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Home  Georgia  Wills, Probate & Estates

Wills, Probate & Estates

Wills & Advance Directives Trust Funds
Guardians Misc. On Estate Planning
Power of Attorney  

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Wills & Advance Directives
Advance Directives

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Sample Forms To Make Your Own Will (Consumer-SOS)
Use these as a template if you need a Georgia Will.

Common vs Solemn Form Probate in Georgia (2022)
Pros and cons of each.

Fact Sheets On Wills & Estates (GA Legal Aid)
Includes a year's support for spouse or minor children, rules of inheritence and what to do when a love one dies.

FAQs On Wills (GA)
Formal requirements, costs, tips and effect of not having one.

Division Of Property When You Don't Have A Will (GA)
Find out which relatives get your property according to law.

Dying With A Mortgage-What Happens To The House?
Explains the options your heirs have. Yes they can assume payments.

What To Do When Your Loved One Dies-Different Types of Probate In GA

The Right Of A Surviving Spouse To Get A Certain Share Of The Estate (GA)

GA Wills & Trusts (Little On Trusts)
Basic information and answers to common questions.

The Alliance for The Arts Estate Project (National)
Provides practical estate planning advice to all artists, especially those living with HIV/AIDS.

The Law Of Probate Trusts & Estates (All 50 States & DC)
Links to state's statutes, case law, and help groups.

Wills In All 50 States & DC
Select your state on the right.

Find The AARP In Your State

The AARP offers legal advocacy for seniors and may also have state specific consumer brochures which are available to everyone.

Being An Executor
(Not State Specific)

Making A Will (Not State Specific)
When you need one & what to put in one.

Life Advice About Being An Executor (Not State Specific)
An overview of the executor's role.

Sample Forms For Georgia Wills

Married With Children (Without Provision That Protects Creditors)
Scroll to bottom of this site for other GA Wills.

Georgia Will with Comments Explaining Each Provision
Good if you need to know whether a provision is optional or essential under Georgia law.
If you don't see the will, click on "Fill Online" and then print as a PDF. Or just look at it to compare with the other forms for what you like best.

Sample GA Will (Simple Will With Dubious Provision That Protects Creditors)

See Misc. On Estate Planning
See Related Topics

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Advance Directives

Medical Directives/Living Wills (Consumer-SOS)

Health Care Directives & Durable Power Of Attorney (

The Alliance for The Arts Estate Project (National)
Provides practical estate planning advice to all artists, especially those living with HIV/AIDS.

Find The AARP In Your State
The AARP offers legal advocacy for seniors and may also have state specific consumer brochures which are available to everyone.

For More See Consumer-SOS/Medical Directives/Living Wills

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Trust Funds

Setting Up a Trust For Someone Who Can't Control Their Spending
Also learn what you can do to protect the trust from creditors or from being assigned to someone else other than your beneficiary.

The Law Of Probate Trusts & Estates (All 50 States & DC)
Links to state's statutes, case law, and help groups.

Living Trust Offers: How to Make Sure They're Trust-worthy

Establishing A Trust Fund (Not State Specific)
A trust fund is not just for the wealthy.

The Alliance for The Arts Estate Project (National)
Provides practical estate planning advice to all artists, especially those living with HIV/AIDS.

See Misc. On Estate Planning

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Guardianship Law in GA  (Basic Facts)
Court filing fees may vary by county.

Alternatives To Guardianship In Georgia

The Guardian Handbook (GA)
Becoming a guardian-all you need to know.
FAQS On Guardianship In Georgia
Find out what it means to be a guardian and when one should become one.  

Appointment of Guardians for Children (GA)
8 brochures on the most commonly asked questions.

Find The GA Probate Court In Your County

Downloadable Forms From Probate Court (GA)



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Power of Attorney

GA Form For General or Financial Power of Attorney (Click Here for back up site) New form (revised 2017)
A power of attorney executed on or after July 1, 2017, must comply with all the requirements of the UPOAA. Unless the post July 1, 2017 power of attorney expressly provides otherwise, the default terms under the UPOAA applyThis power of attorney does not authorize the agent to make heath care decisions for you.

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (GA) Printable Form.
Form starts on page 15 (after all the instructions)

See also GA durable power of attorney healthcare form from within the last year

Durable Power Of Attorney & Health Care Directives (

Find The AARP In Your State
The AARP offers legal advocacy for seniors and may also have state specific consumer brochures which are available to everyone.

The Alliance for The Arts Estate Project (National)
Provides practical estate planning advice to all artists, especially those living with HIV/AIDS.

See Misc. On Estate Planning

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Proper Estate Planning (GA)

GA Estate Tax
Learn about the GA estate tax that will have to be paid upon the property owner's death.

Georgia Probate Forms

The Death Of A Spouse (Check List Of To Do's)
Good tips for people in every state.

Retirement, Estate Planning & Social Security (
Over 80 articles on the above subjects.

Estate Planning Websites (Lots of Links For Many States)

Where To Write For Vital Records
(50 States & DC)
For birth, death and marriage certificates, divorce papers and more.

The Alliance for The Arts Estate Project (National)
Provides practical estate planning advice to all artists, especially those living with HIV/AIDS.

See Related Topics

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